To nurture the uniqueness and the full potential of both students and staff in a happy, caring & disciplined learning environment. To promote respect and responsibility for self, for others and for the greater community in the light of Ursuline, Christian values.



We aim

  • to promote high standards in teaching and learning
  • to encourage the unique ability of each member of the school community
  • to embrace the social, academic and cultural diversity of our staff and students
  • to work in co-operation with all our partners in education
  • to promote an awareness of and respect for our environment
  • to develop in students a sense of the sacred and the spiritual
  • to encourage students to use their free time creatively and constructively.


Upon completion of their education in St. Angela’s College, our students should

  • have developed good self-esteem with the confidence to face the personal,
  • educational and social challenges of life
  • have good interpersonal skills and be respectful of others
  • have the ability to think critically and constructively
  • be in a position to make a positive contribution to society
  • have formed lasting friendships and leave with fond memories of their years in St. Angela’s.
